Best South Florida Property Managers (2021)

South Florida Property Managers
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“If it were not for the pandemic, we probably would not have made this move,” former Queens resident Gary Fainshtein told the Palm Beach Post at the start of January. 

As Gary goes on to explain, making the move became a no-brainer once his work became location-independent. “Working remotely became routine in New York. You could say we were on the fence and the virus pushed us off the fence. If you are working from home, it doesn’t matter if you are an hour away or 20 hours away.”  

And Mr. Fainshtein is far from alone. Thousands of people from Northern states are flocking to Florida’s warm, relaxing atmosphere.

 If you’ve been considering making the move South, this just might be the article for you. Let’s explore how finding the right property manager could make moving to (and managing) your new property a whole lot easier!

Why are so many people moving to Florida?

According to real estate agent Mark Rucco, more families than usual have been moving to Southern Florida ever since COVID-19 lockdowns hit. High-end homes have been selling especially fast; their sales are up 30+ percent compared to a year ago.  

For many families, a move to Florida has been a return to their roots. Many new homeowners recall childhood spent visiting their parents or grandparents in Florida. Now the cycle has repeated, and they’re here themselves. 

New Floridians had other reasons to make the move, too. Florida offers its residents some serious health benefits: property taxes are low, there are tax breaks for homesteads, and state income tax is nonexistent. Even people that had been on the fence about moving to Florida seem to have come down from the fence and relocated a little ahead of time. 

Things to look for in a property manager

It’s an exciting time to contemplate making your move, that much is sure. 

But with the real estate market in constant flux, you might want to consider getting some help from the experts. Local experts, that is. Icon Property Management is one of Florida’s top property management companies — keep reading to learn why.

Communication, communication, communication

Real estate management requires clear communication, especially when things get busy. That’s why a professional property manager will stay consistent with their communication.  At Icon Property Management, we’re excellent communicators…and this communication results in more trust and fewer problems.   

Real-world experience

Good property managers also need to have real-world experience. They should possess accounting skills and the ability to read and interpret financial reports. Property managers also need to be familiar with property ownership laws and regulations. Good property managers are always learning more. 

They shouldn’t rest on past success — instead, the ideal property manager will be forward-looking and always striving to improve in the future. Check out this article to learn more about what seperates Icon’s property managers from the rest. 

Putting it all together

Ready to make the move yet? Whether you’re thinking of doing so soon or taking your time, we’d love to help. We manage hundreds of properties across Florida…and we’d be honored to help manage yours, too. Please visit our contact page or call us at (321) 297-8960 to get in touch.

To your future home,

Icon Property Management

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